Blood Bank / Blood Donation
donation is undoubtedly a humanitarian act. Blood is life to us. Blood sometimes, necessary to be transfused in the body of the patients who face a critical moment like major operation, accidents or anyother cases when he needs blood to survive. Blood supply is the only substitute of blood deficiency. But blood donation programme is still in the primitive stage in bur country. It is a matter of great regret that though having a large population, each year a good number of people die due to lack of fresh and pure blood. It occurs only for the lack of motivation. According to medical science the life span of a red blood cell is only 120 days. The donation of blood improves the health status of the person because his donation of blood makes a positive impact on the production of new blood cells. It is easy to donate blood. So, every able bodied person should donate blood whenever a person needs. Before collecting blood utmost care should be taken so that the blood may be free from HIV or any other harmful germs. There are blood banks in big hospitals. Some other organizations named Quantum, Sandhani, Bhadon and Red Crescent motivate people to donate blood. We should come forward to donate blood for the survival of humanity.
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